New York Note: Charter Revision Commission, AI Disclaimers, End of Session

June 3, 2024

Mayoral Appointments to Charter Revision Commission

Mayor Adams has made two key appointments to the Charter Revision Commission. Diane Savino will serve as Executive Director, and Ed Kiernan has been appointed as General Counsel. The 13 members of the Charter Revision Commission will review the New York City Charter to maximize efficiencies, and will propose revisions, which will then be put to the ballot for the November 5, 2024 election. The Commission is viewed as a response to the Council’s effort to exert control over the Mayor’s high-level appointments. Other members of the Commission include Carlo Scissura, the President of the New York Building Congress, Hazel Dukes, President of the New York State Conference NAACP, and Kyle Bragg, former President of SEIU Local 32BJ. The Commission has been critiqued for including several longtime Adams allies.


AI Disclaimer Bills in Albany

State legislators in Albany are poised to pass a bill targeting incorrect output of AI chatbots. The bill was introduced by Sen. Gonzalez and Assembly member Vanel following reports that Meta’s AI chatbot incorrectly reported sexual harassment allegations against elected officials, and would require that chatbots provide notice to users that the results “may be inaccurate and/or inappropriate.” Although it was introduced in early May, the bill has garnered widespread support in both chambers and is expected to pass before the end of session this Thursday, June 6.

Conclusion of State Session

New York State legislators are expected to wrap up the legislative session this Thursday, June 6. The Assembly and Senate have passed over 300 bills in 2024, with over 10,000 introduced for consideration in both houses. Bills under consideration in the final days of session include the Stop Addictive Feeds Exploitation (SAFE) for Kids Act, prohibiting social media use for minors and the NY HEAT Act, which would cap heating bills for customers.


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